Foundation Repair Coral Springs, Florida

Coral Springs receives a huge amount of rainfall. It averages about 70.5 inches annually; that’s about double the national average. Summer afternoons often come with thunderstorms bringing short, heavy downpours. Coral Springs also goes through hurricane season. Coral Springs’ climate can actually pose some potential issues for homes in the area. That’s where we come in. Foundation Professionals of Florida is your foundation repair in Coral Springs, Florida service provider. We are here to help you!

When Coral Springs experiences heavy rainfalls, the ground around your home can become overly saturated. This can place what is called hydrostatic pressure on your home’s foundation. When your home is built, its foundation is made to withstand a certain amount of pressure. If this hydrostatic pressure surpasses that amount, your foundation may crack. These cracks can let in water, insects, and critters. Don’t allow this to be an issue for your foundation. If you notice any of these types of problems happening in your home, especially in the wet season, give us a ring! With our professional products like steel push piers, helical piers, helical wall anchors, helical seawall anchors, and helical tieback anchors, we are the best foundation repair company around. We’re here to service your foundation repair needs in Coral Springs, Florida.

Sinkhole Remediation in Coral Springs, FL

Sinkholes are a serious problem in Florida, especially after heavy rains. Because Coral Springs often receives short, heavy rains, its residents should be very cautious when it comes to sinkholes. The soil beneath Florida homes is made of limestone. Limestone slowly dissolves by the natural acids found in rain. If you notice signs like cracks in your walls, slab, pools, driveways or steps, do not hesitate to contact us. If we determine that your home may be at risk of a sinkhole forming beneath it, we can help.

We specialize in compaction grouting to firm up the loose soil that can cause sinkholes. Compaction grouting uses controlled displacement to increase the density of loose soils. This method seals the limestone’s surface, fills voids and pushes into the weak soil to strengthen it. Foundation Professional of Florida has the qualified experts for compaction grouting. This method can be accomplished where access is difficult and space is limited. For all of your sinkhole repair in Coral Springs, Florida, contact the experts at Foundation Professionals of Florida. We also serve Tallahassee, Lake City and Jacksonville, FL and the surrounding areas.