Tampa is a city on the Gulf Coast of Florida that has a lot to offer to its residents. They are both a business and a cultural center, not to mention they are just a stone’s throw away from Disney.
One thing that Tampa has to offer is plenty of water. They are located on Tampa Bay, with access to the Gulf and many inland waters. Watersports are a big part of the culture in Tampa, as are seawalls.

Tampa residents rely on their seawalls to keep their property safe from erosion and flooding. That is why, when problems occur, they call on Foundation Professionals of Florida to help. We have been repairing seawalls for many years and can help to keep your seawall strong and stable.

The Purpose of Seawalls In Tampa, Florida

Tampa seawalls serve many purposes. Along the Gulf Coast and the shore of Tampa Bay, it protects property from erosion and flooding due to tides and the occasional storm. Inland, they also protect the property from flooding and erosion. Seawalls may also maintain the depth of the water, allowing for boating and other enjoyable activities.

Sinkhole Repair and Remediation

Common Signs Of Seawall Failure

When you see signs of seawall failure, it means that the damage is already happening and, in some cases, could be advanced. That is why inspecting the seawall regularly is so important. If you see any problems, do not hesitate to call the experts at Foundation Professionals of Florida.

The most common signs indicating seawall failure are:

Damaged Concrete or Masonry

The very structure of the seawall may be compromised by hydrostatic pressure from water-saturated soil. The resulting damage could show as cracks and crumbling concrete.

Sloping or Leaning Seawall

Hydrostatic pressure can force the seawall to lean into the water. In addition, voids in the soil due to erosion may also cause the seawall to lean.

Ground Settlement Behind the Seawall

When the ground settles behind the seawall, it means there are voids beneath the surface, typically due to erosion. Don’t fill the sinkholes with rocks or coconuts, call Foundation Professionals of Floria for a permanent solution.

An Outgrowth of Vegetation from the Seawall

When vegetation grows on the seawall it can lead to further damage. It may also be a sign that the vegetation is pushing through the seawall to the soil behind it.

Water Seepage Through the Seawall

When water seeps through the seawall it can slowly erode the soil and even the underlying limestone. In doing so, it leaves voids that must be filled with a special deep injection process.

Seawall injection

How To Repair A Damaged Seawall?

When your seawall is experiencing problems, there are solutions to match the issue. Repairing the seawall is not only possible, but you could also end up with a stronger structure after we are finished. Don’t replace the seawall. Save money and headaches by having it repaired.

Here are a few techniques that can be used to repair a damaged seawall:

Targeted Grout Injection

Targeted grout injection is a method of repairing concrete structures by injecting grout material into specific areas to reinforce or stabilize the seawall. This process helps to fill voids, cracks, and other areas of weakness in the concrete, improving the overall stability and strength of the seawall.

Prime Resin Products

Prime Resin Products include a type of polyurethane resin, known as Prome Flex 910. We regularly use this environmentally friendly product to fill large and small voids deep beneath the surface.

Seawall Underpinning

We can sink helical piers deep into stable soil and use them to straighten and stabilize the seawall. This is similar to how a bowed foundation wall can be straightened.

Seawall Drainage

The goal of seawall drainage is to reduce hydrostatic pressure and prevent water from penetrating the seawall and causing erosion or destabilization.

Seawall Reinforcing

Seawall reinforcing is done through a variety of techniques, such as steel rods, fiber-reinforced polymers, or geosynthetic materials.

Benefits of Seawall Repair In Tampa, Florida

One aspect of our foundation and seawall repair business that we appreciate the most is when our customers see their newly repaired seawall. The benefits they get from our services are seen immediately and last a lifetime.

Listed below are the main benefits of Seawall Repair in Tampa, Florida:

Prevents erosion

Repairing a seawall can help prevent erosion and preserve the shoreline.

Increases property value

A well-maintained seawall can add to the curb appeal of any waterfront property.

Enhances safety

A sturdy seawall can provide a barrier between the property and rough waters, enhancing safety for residents and visitors.

Prevents environmental damage

Seawalls can prevent coastal erosion and protect sensitive ecosystems and habitats.

Supports sustainable development

By reducing coastal erosion, seawall repair can support sustainable development and help preserve coastal resources for future generations.

Foundation Professionals of Florida – Featured Services

Foundation Professionals of Florida is pleased to offer a wide range of services to our neighbors in Tampa. This includes much more than our expert seawall repair. The following are some of the top services.

Foundation Repair

Foundation Repair

We offer high-quality foundation repair services such as foundation settlement repair, bowing wall repair, concrete leveling, and more.

Crawl space encapsulation

Crawl Space Encapsulation

The structural integrity of your home could be significantly harmed by non-encapsulated crawl spaces that are moist, humid, and pest-infested.


Sinkhole Repair and Remediation

If a sinkhole is spotted before it causes major damage, steps can be taken to stabilize the soil around the area and prevent future problems.

Basement Waterproofing

Basement Waterproofing

The basement is often an area of the home we avoid, as they are damp, dark, and dingy. After taking advantage of our basement waterproofing services, you can use that part of your home in many ways.

concrete slab

Slab Lifting and Leveling

Slab lifting and leveling can improve the appearance of the concrete surface, prevent tripping hazards, and prevent further damage to the slab and surrounding structures.

stairstep cracks in block wall

Structural Crack Repair

We provide high-quality foundation repair for both residential and commercial buildings. Everything from small structural repairs to massive crack repairs can be handled by our team.

Why Choose Foundation Professionals of Florida as Your Seawall Repair Specialist?

From the first sign of foundation trouble, it is important to call the experts at Foundation Professionals of Florida. We have been helping our neighbors in Tampa and throughout the surrounding area for decades with seawall problems and other issues. We know how to get the job done right, so you can get back to your life again.